Ezra Veldhuis,
Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost,
Bosse Provoost,
B, E,
Portretwebsite 3
Bosse Provoost Oshin Albrecht
PD170914 3887

The Act of Dying (2017) was the con­clu­ding pie­ce of three pie­ces that per­for­ma­ti­ve­ly explo­red the phy­si­ca­li­ty of ani­ma­ted figu­res. It was also the first per­for­man­ce of artist col­lec­ti­ve de polen. In The Act of Dying, we see three figu­res reen­ac­ting their own bru­tal death over and over again. They are accom­pa­nied by a wooden rec­tan­g­le on strings and Henryk Górecki’s Third Symphony (“Symphony of Sorrows”).

Whereas Herberg focu­sed on rhythm and clear, drawn” lines, and Moore Bacon! exhi­bits a body see­min­gly esca­ping the con­s­traints of its ana­to­my, The Act of Dying explo­res the extre­me vio­len­ce to which ani­ma­ted charac­ters expo­se them­sel­ves and each other (not infre­quent­ly with unbrid­led joie de vivre).

They don’t know death, they don’t know sexu­a­li­ty, they don’t know suf­fe­ring, you cut them into pie­ces, they’­re recon­sti­tu­ted. There is no fini­tu­de, no mor­ta­li­ty here. There is evil, but a kind of nai­ve, good evil. You’re just ego­tis­tic, you want to eat, you want to hit the other, but the­re is no guilt proper.’

—Slavoj Žižek in A Pervert's Guide to Cinema
  • 24.11.17
    Jonge Harten Festival, Groningen (NL)
  • 14—15.09.17
    Love At First Sight Festival, Antwerpen (BE)
  • 09—10.08.17
    Boulevard Festival, Den Bosch (NL)
  • 31.07—01.08.17
    Theater Aan Zee, Oostende (BE)
  • 13.04.17
    De Werf (KAAP), Brugge (BE)
  • 30—31.03.17
    Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Gent (BE) (première)
Performance & creation
Geert Belpaeme, Kobe Chielens, Lieselotte De Keyzer
Bosse Provoost
Sibran Sampers, Ezra Veldhuis
Britt Dejonghe
Dramaturgical advice
Mats Van Herreweghe
de polen
Kunstencentrum BUDA, wpZimmer, Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Toneelhuis
With support of
KAAP, Theater Aan Zee, the Flemish Authorities, LOD Muziektheater
PD170914 3827 min © Pieter Dumoulin
PD170914 3896 min © Pieter Dumoulin
PD170914 4133 min © Pieter Dumoulin
PD170914 3635 min © Pieter Dumoulin
PD170915 4337 min © Pieter Dumoulin
35 A 0178 © Stine Sampers
Geert kobe armen the act of dying © Stine Sampers