Ezra Veldhuis,
Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost,
Bosse Provoost,
B, E,
Portretwebsite 3
Bosse Provoost Oshin Albrecht
SUN SET20c Laura Van Severen © Laura Van Severen

SUN-SET is a per­for­man­ce for the black box, con­sis­ting of a sequen­ce of cos­mo­go­nic moments”: pivot points bet­ween nothing and something.

Cosmogonies, or nar­ra­ti­ves of gene­sis, have taken on all sorts of forms throug­hout time, but their cre­a­tors have spun them all around a com­mon fac­tor: light. In SUN-SET the spec­ta­tor finds himself in impe­ne­tra­ble dark­ness and blin­ding light, but abo­ve all the eyes try to get a grip on light surfa­ces and volu­mes in a kind of sfu­ma­to, whe­re light and dark­ness subtly flow into one another.

SUN-SET begins in a spa­ce in which gra­du­al­ly Eigen­grau occurs, a dark gray visu­al pla­ne that humans per­cei­ve in the com­ple­te absen­ce of light. The bounda­ry bet­ween the light that is the­re and the light we think we see is faded. For what is beyond our capa­ci­ty to ima­gi­ne, nothing­ness’ for example, we ine­vi­ta­bly invent colors and sto­ries. Precisely the­se colors and sto­ries SUN-SET wants to evo­ke and exa­mi­ne, from pre-cos­mic abys­ses to the specks that appear when we have loo­ked into the sun for too long.

  • 19.10.22
    21:00 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
  • 19.10.22
    18:30 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
  • 18.10.22
    22:00 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
  • 18.10.22
    20:00 NTGent, Ghent (BE)
  • 04.04.22
    Theater Kikker, Utrecht (NL)
  • 11—12.02.22
    Beyond the Black Box, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL) CANCELLED (COVID-19)
  • 15—17.10.21
    Troubleyn, Antwerp (BE)
  • 08—10.05.21
    Auawirleben Festival, Bern (CH)
  • 12—13.02.21
    Beyond the Black Box, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL) CANCELLED (COVID-19)
  • 24—26.09.20
    Love at first Sight, V36 Toneelhuis, Antwerp (BE)
  • 18—20.09.20
    Love at first Sight, V36 Toneelhuis, Antwerp (BE)
  • 06—09.02.20
    V36 Toneelhuis, Antwerp (BE)
  • 15—16.11.19
    Playground, STUK, Leuven (BE)
Ezra Veldhuis, Bosse Provoost
Oshin Albrecht, Bosse Provoost, Ezra Veldhuis
Sound design
Benjamin Cools
Séba Hendrickx
Thanks to
Geert Belpaeme, Leontien Allemeersch, Jan Fedinger, Niels Antonissen, Henk Vandecaveye
Toneelhuis, Kraagsteen
Playground (STUK & M, Leuven)
With the support of
Kunstencentrum Buda, Kaap, De School van Gaasbeek, Gouvernement, De tax shelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid, Casa Kafka Pictures, Tax shelter powered by Belfius
SUN SET1c Joeri Thiry © Joeri Thiry
SUN SET5c Ezra Veldhuis © Ezra Veldhuis
SUN SET8c Laura Van Severen © Laura Van Severen
SUN SET11c Laura Van Severen © Laura Van Severen
SUN SET13c Laura Van Severen © Laura Van Severen
C Oshin Albrecht Bosse Provoost Ezra Veldhuis © Oshin Albrecht, Bosse Provoost & Ezra Veldhuis
SUN SET24c Laura Van Severen © Laura Van Severen