Ezra Veldhuis,
Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost,
Bosse Provoost,
B, E,
Portretwebsite 3
Bosse Provoost Oshin Albrecht
Astone © Mathieu Serruys

A Stone Flies Up Over the Mountains (EN+NL) is a laby­rin­thi­ne hybrid book that can be read and vie­wed in dif­fe­rent ways, line­ar­ly or jum­ping bet­ween pages.

The syn­er­gy bet­ween the diver­se texts and ima­ges found in its pages pre­vious­ly led to the cre­a­ti­on of our sta­ge per­for­man­ces SUN-SET (2020) and Indoor Weather (2021). Photographs, sket­ches and dra­wings from tho­se two per­for­man­ces are used, inter­fe­ring with the mate­ri­al of other artists.

In this book we bring together sci­fi author Jeff VanderMeer, per­for­man­ce artist and musi­cian Laurie Anderson, poet Inger Christensen, expe­ri­men­tal film pio­neer Stan Brakhage, and phi­lo­sop­her Patricia de Martelaere, among others. Laura Van Severen made the majo­ri­ty of the photographs.

PROLOGOS, a mas­si­ve poem by Inger Christensen, forms the back­bo­ne of the who­le. It runs once in Dutch, once in English, toward the cen­ter of the book. Two lar­ge clus­ters of text and ima­ge are built around SUN-SET and Indoor Weather. They mir­ror each other and final­ly flow into each other.

With the col­lec­ti­on det (‘it’), from which PROLOGOS ori­gi­na­tes, Inger Christensen under­took an ambi­tious attempt to cap­tu­re all that is’ in one book. The appro­ach of SUN-SET and Indoor Weather echoes that ambi­ti­on. SUN-SET revol­ves around cos­mo­go­ny’: sto­ries and explana­to­ry models for the cre­a­ti­on of a world. Indoor Weather, in turn, focu­ses on cos­mo­lo­gy’, which tells the struc­tu­re and inter­con­nec­ted­ness of all things in a world.

The ground bene­ath our feet often turns out to be less solid than we think.

Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost
Graphic design
Joris Verdoodt & Mathieu Serruys
Texts & poems
Inger Christensen, Stan Brakhage, Laurie Anderson, Jeff VanderMeer, Patricia de Martelaere, Robert Harrisson, H.P. Lovecraft, Maia Nuku, Arnaruluk, Herman Melville
Annelies Van Hees, Leen Bruyninckx, Paul Vincent
Ezra Veldhuis
Bosse Provoost, Oshin Albrecht, Ezra Veldhuis, Sébastien Hendrickx
Laura Van Severen, Ezra Veldhuis
Colour fields
Oshin Albrecht, Ezra Veldhuis, Bosse Provoost
Outside eyes
Bart Meuleman, Oshin Albrecht
Poëziecentrum & Toneelhuis